Support Resources

We are so glad that you are here!

You will find the following resources on this page.

Resources for grandparents - PFLAG

Crisis and mental health support

Legal services

Reliable and supportive news sources

Resources by category


Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays

PFLAG is creating a caring, just, and affirming world for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them.

National PFLAG Home Page

Danville/San Ramon PLFAG Chapter

Helpful Glossary of LGBTQ+ Terminology

Supporting Your LGBTQ+ Grandchild

Our Trans Loved Ones

COMING MARCH 28TH – Rossmoor PFLAG Affinity Group

Friends and families of LGBTQ+ loved ones will be meeting in Rossmoor to support each other and to learn ways to support those we love. Interested? For time and location please contact Leese Courington at pflag@rossmoorlgbta@org